Director’s Message

County Family –

On January 7, 2025, the Chair of the Los Angeles County (County) Board of Supervisors proclaimed the existence of a local emergency for the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events in the County. Similarly, the Governor proclaimed a state of emergency, and the President approved a major disaster declaration in the County.  As an organization that is responsive to the needs of our communities, the County is assessing resources to speed up the recovery process for affected employees, residents, and businesses.  The Department of Human Resources (DHR) recognizes that many members of our workforce have been, and may continue to be, displaced from their homes, or have lost them entirely.  Other employees may be caring for loved ones who have been displaced from their schools, care centers, or communities and will require additional support in the days and months ahead.

DHR is committed to supporting all County employees and their families through this challenging time. This website has been developed to offer impacted employees a one-stop shop for information on resources they can use now and in the long-term as we navigate the response and recovery from the LA Wildfires. This includes links to various general disaster resources available to all LA County residents, as well as information on County employee-specific programs and services. A great place to start if you are looking for information on basic services, such as housing options and child care is the “Immediate Response” page listed on the left.

In addition, the site provides great resources for supervisors and colleagues of impacted employees who are looking to help, such as information on the County’s Disaster Services Worker Program, links to emotional support trainings and resources, and more. Department supervisors and management in particular are encouraged to review the County’s Employee Wildfire Support Guide, which provide a variety of resources to assist individuals navigating evacuations or loss of property, as well as mental health and fiscal recovery services provided through the County and partner agencies.

The website will continue to be updated with new resources as they become available. Additionally, DHR will continue to share mental health and employee support services with the entire County workforce through emails and outreach as we move through the response and recovery phases of this event. Together, we will make it through this challenging moment.

Lisa M. Garrett

Director of Personnel