Day-to-Day HR Operations
Comprehensive Assessments
Technical Assistance
HR Consultants
General HR Administration
Classification Assessment
Live Scan Program
Staff Augmentation
Health & Safety Consulting
Exam Evaluation
Performance Management
Recruitment Assistance


DHR’s Impact Services is comprised of HR professionals who function as technical human resources consultants.  Our objective is to provide our customers—line departments—with tools and strategies to strengthen the delivery of HR services.  We provide a variety of services to our customers such as conducting comprehensive assessments, providing technical assistance and augmenting staff to meet business requirements.  We are committed to providing superior customer service, using team-based approaches to problem solving, modeling personal and professional excellence in the work place and serving as change agents in facilitating organizational efficiency.

Our assessments provide a thorough and objective review of our customer’s human resources programs, which includes processes and performance.  The assessments can cover five broad HR areas:

  1. general administration,
  2. overtime, leave and health and safety,
  3. HR operations,
  4. performance management, and
  5. exams, classification and recruitment.


We identify strengths of the program and areas which can be enhanced or improved. We include measures of how successful processes have been implemented.   Since each customer need is unique, we develop customized tools to assist in the evaluation of programs.  We identify established program standards and evaluate them against the customer’s current practices and processes.   The tools ensure a structured and efficient approach and provide valuable information to our customers from a qualitative and quantitative perspective.  Based on the outcome of the assessment, we provide solutions and strategies to strengthen the delivery of HR services.

As the result of an assessment, we may also provide technical assistance in implementing the recommendations.  The type of assistance we provide varies and may include augmenting staff in performing the day-to-day technical HR work.  This may be the result of an influx of work that results in an operational backlog, lack of the sufficient number of staff to meet workload demands or immediate vacancy of a critical position.  Based on the needs of the customer and the nature of technical assistance required, we develop measurable work objectives.  The objectives focus on implementing the recommendations from the assessment, meeting our customer’s strategic goals and enhancing performance in the following areas: timeliness, effectiveness and efficiency.

The Central Live Scan Unit provides direct services to customer line departments through the Live Scan (fingerprint rolling) program and the Court Records Information Service Program (CRISP).  The unit is also responsible for the Countywide monitoring of the utilization of temporary contract personnel , the annual reporting of outside employment activities, and the evaluation of job‐related felony convictions to determine if they meet the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act  (PEPRA) criteria for referral to LACERA.