Asian Pacific Community Fund
The Asian Pacific Community Fund (APCF) is a network of 29 community organizations serving over 250,000 people annually in a total of 27 Asian languages plus English and Spanish.Learn More
Brotherhood Crusade
The Brotherhood Crusade has enhanced the quality of life for families and youth throughout Los Angeles and surrounding communities for 44 years.Learn More
Community Health Charities
Community Health Charities is a nonprofit that raises awareness and resources for health and wellness by connecting more than 2,000 of the most trusted health charities across the United StatesLearn More
EarthShare California
EarthShare California protects, supports and improves California’s natural heritage of clean air, safe water, diverse wildlife and healthy communities.Learn More
United Latinx Fund
United Latinx Fund (ULF) is Los Angeles’ leading foundation and philanthropic resource created for and by Latinos that transforms, uplifts and improves the quality of life for Los Angeles residents.Learn More
United Way
United Way of Greater Los Angeles “Creates Pathways out of Poverty” by helping homeless people into housing, supporting kids to succeed in school, and helping families become financially stable.Learn More
Variety awards over half a million dollars annually to our organizations which serve our children in the areas of Health Care, Education and Mobility.Learn More
Charitable Giving Campaign
Creating Greater Communities
The Charitable Giving Campaign, provides employees with charitable giving options, as well as a wide variety of other donation opportunities. Employees may contribute to a Fund Distribution Agency (FDA) or Direct Designation Agency (DDA). Contact your department’s CGC Coordinator for more information.
Fund Distribution Agency
•Must have raised $75,000 locally.
•Much Have raised $35,000 through County payroll deductions and cash contributions in a single campaign season.
•Must distribute employee donations to a minimum of 15 local non-profit agencies serving Los Angeles County; and; administrative, marketing, and campaign expenditures may not exceed 20% of annual funding.
Direct Designation Agency
•Must have raised $15,000 locally.
•Must provide service to local and diverse communities in Los Angeles County.
•Administrative, marketing and campaign expenditures may not exceed 20% of annual funding; and in compliance with the USA Patriot Act.
On-going Payroll Deductions
On-going Payroll Deductions
Sign up to donate a fixed amount from every paycheck; no amount is too small. Whether you choose to give $5, $20, or $100 per month, giving what you can afford and from the heart is all that matters. Each payday, that amount will be automatically deducted from your check and will be donated directly to the charity of your choice. You can cancel or modify your deduction at any time. To get started, click on any yellow ON-GOING DONATION button below. You will be directed to the workplace login page.
Simply select the Charitable Giving icon with the heart and follow the directions on this guide, Payroll Deductions Instructions. You may also access the Charitable Giving icon by signing in directly from the my.lacounty.gov, workplace login page.
Nominate A Charity
If you don’t see a charity that you would like to donate to, you can nominate a charity during the DDA Open Enrollment period. Every year during the entire month of September employees can nominate an agency by completing this form New DDA Request and submitting it to cgccoordinator@hr.lacounty.gov or submit the nomination online through the Charitable Giving Portal on https://my.lacounty.gov
One-Time Donations
Make a one-time donation online here (eCheck or Credit card) or complete a one-time donation form and submit it along with your donation (check or money order) to your department’s Charitable Giving Coordinator. Online one-time donations are limited to Fund Distribution Agencies and Direct Distribution Agencies during the Charitable Giving Campaign between July 1st and December 31st. Contact your Charitable Giving Coordinator with any questions.
Other Ways to Contribute
You can also support the Charitable Giving Campaign by purchasing tickets for fundraisers, theme parks, and sporting events here: A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Charitable Giving Campaign.
The Asian Pacific Community Fund (APCF) is a network of 29 community organizations serving over 250,000 people annually in a total of 27 Asian languages plus English and Spanish. As the only Asian and Pacific Islander community-based fund in Southern California, APCF focuses on providing culturally sensitive programs and services to meet the complex and diverse needs of the Asian and Pacific Islander community.
What Your Donation Supports
•$5 a day provides for one month of an after-school enrichment program for a youth from a low-income family
•$8 provides one prescription for an uninsured patient with a chronic disease.
•$12 provides free weekly counseling sessions for a year.
•$25 provides one hour of after-school activities and homework assistance – keeping students out of gangs and in school.
•$100 provides a comprehensive medical visit for one uninsured patient including the physician/providers visit, all labs, immunizations, procedures, interpretation, financial screening, and enrollment assistance into public health programs.
•$250 provides ten weeks of a job training program for small business development program clients.
•$1000 provides more affordable housing units for community economic development programs.
The Brotherhood Crusade has enhanced the quality of life for families and youth throughout Los Angeles and surrounding communities for 44 years. We provide financial and supportive services to multi-cultural programs that address health, education, social welfare.
What Your Donation Supports
•$2 enables 10 school children to spend the day with a trained desert naturalist.
•$7 pays for a home-delivered hot meal delivered to a frail senior.
•$10 helps fund free support services for cancer patients.
•$10 funds research and helps to pioneer robotic surgery.
•$25 per month will support after school programs and/or school supplies for two students.
•$30 helps provide essential student aid to cover college expenses.
•$50 shelters a homeless mother and child for a night.
Community Health Charities is a nonprofit that raises awareness and resources for health and wellness by connecting more than 2,000 of the most trusted health charities across the United States with more than 17 million caring employees through workplace giving campaigns, causes, wellness programs, employee engagement, and strategic partnerships. Health has never been such an urgent priority: 77% of U.S. workers suffer from at least one long-term health condition, ranging from cancer to asthma—chances are someone you know is affected.
Contact Information
Community Health Charities
Website: http://healthcharities.org/
Tax ID:13-6167225
EarthShare connects people, businesses, and communities with our country’s most influential network of environmental nonprofits. EarthShare’s Nonprofit Partners are committed to solving our planet’s most urgent issues like climate change, environmental justice, access to public lands, sustainable food systems, wildlife conservation, clean water, and many others. Donations to EarthShare and our Nonprofit Partners help to ensure that our planet and all of us thrive in a just and sustainable future. You can make an impact, join us today!
What Your Donation Supports
Dollar Buys (What Your Donations Supports) –
- $1 per pay period purchases one water quality test for Copper, Lead, or Zinc. These heavy metals are toxic to humans and wildlife in high amounts, therefore vitally important to identify in drinking water
- $5 per pay period empowers California ranchers to adopt practices that combat climate change
- $10 per pay period protects 24 acres of biodiverse and carbon-rich forest annually
The United Latinx Fund (ULF) assists emerging non-profit organizations in achieving long-term sustainability. They also help create successful programs that reach the Latin Community.
What Your Donation Supports
•$5.00 helps organizations serving elementary school children buy equipment for physical education activities.
•$10.00 a month helps 10 families receive awareness on the environmental hazards and health effects of slum housing, and teaches them how to fight for decent affordable housing.
•$15.00 helps communities plagued by gang violence establish green gardens, and open spaces by beautifying and removing graffiti from their local park.
•$35.00 a month helps low-income Latino students majoring in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) buy college textbooks for a quarter of learning.
United Way of Greater Los Angeles “Creates Pathways out of Poverty” by helping homeless people into housing, supporting kids to succeed in school, and helping families become financially stable.
What Your Donation Supports
•$2.50 Helps get the word out about free tax preparations so struggling families can reclaim some of their hard-earned money.
•$3.50 Helps train a parent on how school works so they can give their child the support they need to graduate.
Gives a chronically homeless person 1 week of vital healthcare treatment in permanent supportive housing.
•$7 Teaches 10 low-income adults how to manage their money and save for the future.
•$14 Provides leadership training for youth, parents, and residents so they can help reform their local schools.
Helps a homeless family move off the streets by providing the first month’s rent on a new apartment.
•$17.50 Helps a low-income adult learn important job skills.
•$23 Helps a student stay in school by giving them 1 year of academic tutoring in after-school programs.
Founded in 1941, Variety the Children’s Charity of Southern California is dedicated to inspiring hope, enriching lives and building a better future for the children of Southern California. The money raised in Southern California stays in this community and Variety is proud that it is able to modify its agenda in order to meet the evolving conditions encompassing our region, providing support wherever the need is greatest. Variety awards over half a million dollars annually to our organizations which serve our children in the areas of Health Care, Education and Mobility. Variety is also a major supporter of the Variety Boys and Girls Club of Boyle Heights.
Your donation to Variety the Children’s Charity directly impacts Children in need in LA County!
What Your Donation Supports
•$15 helps support early literacy programs with books for underprivileged children as young as 6 months old.
•$25 helps provide meals and safe day care for children in families dealing with homelessness.
•$50 provides at risk youth after school programs like homework assistance, arts and science workshops, college prep and gang prevention counseling.
•$100 helps send a child with a life-threatening illness to summer camp where they meet kids like themselves and for the first time in their lives “don’t feel so alone”.
•$200 helps with life saving counseling and medical care for children dealing with domestic abuse and neglect.
•$600 will provide centers for kids with special needs an adaptive bike so that children with disabilities can ride a bike for the very first time!
•$1,000 will support our educational scholarships for teens in underserved areas who are trying hard to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.
Office of Workplace Programs
For additional questions or comments, please contact Workplace Programs at workplaceprograms@hr.lacounty.gov.