The Equity Process
The County Equity Investigations Unit (CEIU) of the Department of Human Resources (DHR) is responsible for promptly, fully and fairly investigating reports/complaints of conduct that potentially violate the CPOE. The CEIU provides comprehensive investigation reports to the County Equity Oversight Panel (CEOP) for review. Based on its review the CEOP makes recommendations to County Department Heads concerning the disposition and discipline recommended.
For information about an active CPOE investigation
Please include the following information:
- Name
- Employee Number
- Job Title
- Department
- ICMS Case Number
To File an Equity
Contact the County Equity Oversight Panel
Intake Specialist at: 213.974.9868
or email
If a complaint is referred to CEIU for full investigation, a CEIU investigator will interview parties to the complaint (Complaining Party [CP], witnesses, Subject of Investigation [SOI]). The CEIU investigator will also review written documents such as, emails, personnel files, and policies. No two investigations are handled the same way and are based on the allegations and information provided.
Yes, the CEIU investigator will maintain the Complaining Party’s anonymity to the extent possible. However, if based on the information gathered, the County Equity Oversight Panel substantiates the allegations and recommends disciplinary action, the CEIU may be required to disclose the identity of the CP to the Department.
Generally, a clarifying interview is conducted by a County Intake Specialist Unit (CISU) assessor shortly after the complaint has been filed. If the complaint is sent to CEIU for full investigation, a CEIU investigator may contact Complaining Parties for additional clarification of their complaints. However, if the CEIU investigator does not need additional information from you or have additional questions, a CEIU interview with the CP may not be necessary.
Yes, CEIU will make reasonable attempts to conduct an interview with the SOI in every investigation. If an SOI is unavailable, the investigation may be placed in abeyance pending the SOI’s return to work.
During a CEIU interview, the investigator will review your rights as a party to the investigation. The interviewer will inform you that the interview will be recorded. You should be prepared to answer questions as thoroughly as possible. If, after the interview you have documents you would like considered, you may forward the documentation to the CEIU Case Coordinator at or assigned investigator for review.
Yes, a CP may have a representative present for emotional or substantive support. A SOI or witness who believes that the interview could lead to disciplinary action is entitled to a representative who is not otherwise involved in the investigation and does not affect the integrity of the investigation. A party requesting a representative will be given a reasonable time to obtain a representative.
Under certain circumstances and based upon information gathered, CEIU can add allegations to a pending investigation. However, in some instances, it may be determined that it is more appropriate for a new complaint to be filed with CISU.
The length of an investigation depends on a number of factors, such as the nature/seriousness of the alleged conduct; the type of information the investigator must gather; the number of involved parties; availability of the parties; legally required time frames in which to investigate; etc. You can check the status of the investigation by contacting the CEIU Case Coordinator at or your Department’s Human Resources Division.
No, CPOE investigations are confidential personnel records and are, therefore, not provided to the complaint parties in order to protect the integrity of the investigation. CEIU issues copies of completed CPOE investigations to the appropriate Department/agency at the end of the investigation.
Yes, the CPOE protects parties who filed an equity complaint, participated in an equity investigation, or opposed discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
You should contact the assigned CEIU investigator to notify him/her of the conduct to determine whether the alleged retaliation should be included in the pending investigation or filed as a separate complaint with CISU. You should also notify your Department’s Human Resources Division so that appropriate steps can be taken pending investigation concerning the alleged conduct.
CEIU can:
- Conduct CPOE investigations
- Interview County employees
- Review County records
- Refer you to other resources to resolve a non-CPOE issue
CEIU cannot:
- Make decisions regarding your complaint
- Provide legal advice
- Decide whether the allegations contained in the complaint are true
- Make recommendations regarding disciplinary action
- Make or change County policies, rules or procedures
You may contact the assigned CEIU investigator or the CEIU Case Coordinator at for a status update.
Complaining Parties and Subjects of Investigation will be provided notices concerning the outcome of the investigation from their Department’s Human Resources Division. Any questions regarding notices or the outcome should, therefore, be directed to your Department.