Long-Term Recovery Resources

 The impact of wildfires can be long-lasting, and the recovery process can be convoluted. Fortunately, there are multiple resources readily available to assist with the physical, financial, and emotional recovery process both within LA County and nationally. Listed below is contact information for agencies that can assist with pertinent questions throughout the recovery process.

Where can I find information about…

Clearing and repairs to County maintained roads and bridges?

LA County Department of Public Works, 800-675 HELP (4357), www.dpw.lacounty.gov

Road closures and conditions for State Highways?

Caltrans, (213) 897-0383, www.dot.ca.gov

Fire Department requirements for damaged structures?

LA County Fire Department, (323) 237-1200, www.fire.lacounty.gov

Building inspections and permits?

LA County Department of Public Works, Building & Safety Division, (800) 675 HELP (4357), www.dpw.lacounty.gov

County-provided emergency social services including CalWORKs, CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and General Relief?

LA County Department of Public Social Services, (866) 613-3777, dpss.lacounty.gov

Assistance with injured animals and information on animals displaced by a disaster?

LA County Animal Care and Control, (562) 940-6898, www.animalcare.lacounty.gov

Schools and school districts in the County?

LA County Office of Education, www.lacoe.edu

Organizations that provide response and recovery assistance in the event of a disaster?

211 LA County, 2-1-1, www.211la.org

Power or electricity outages?

Southern California Edison, (800) 684-8123, www.sce.com

Southern California Gas Company, (800) 655-4555, www.socalgas.com

Emergency Financial First Aid Kit?

FEMA, www.ready.gov/financialpreparedness

Disaster loan and grant information?

U.S. Small Business Administration, (800) 659-2955, www.sba.gov

Property insurance?

California Department of Insurance, (800) 927-4357, www.insurance.ca.gov