When to Order a Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Medical Examination

After an applicant receives a conditional job offer, but prior to placing the applicant on the job, the employer may conduct medical and psychological examinations to determine if the applicant meets the medical standards of the position. California and federal law require employers to postpone job applicants’ medical examinations until after a job offer has been made and the applicant satisfies all other employment conditions, i.e., background check, Live Scan clearance, etc.

The department should schedule medical examinations as far in advance of the applicant’s anticipated start date. OHP will make every attempt to provide medical status to the department in a timely manner. However, notice of the applicant’s medical status from the contracted clinic may take up to 10 business days from the date of the medical examination. In some cases, the process can be extended longer due to the need to review and consider additional information or personal medical records from the applicant.  Due to the uncertainties regarding the status of a pre-employment examination, applicants should never be told to quit their current job until the hiring department has received the notice of the medical status and determined that any resulting restrictions can be accommodated.

How to Order a Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Medical Examination

  1. Ask the applicant if they have been examined within the past year for any other County job. If so, please contact OHP to confirm if a new medical examination is needed. In some cases, an applicant can be cleared for a position based on a recent medical examination for a similar position.
  2. Reference the All County Classifications – PEPO Medical Examination Required/Waived to select a clinic that best meets the needs of your department and the employee
  3. Complete the Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Work Order with all required information before contacting the contracted clinic.
  4. Contact the clinic by phone or e-mail to request an appointment. The clinic must be provided the item number for the applicant’s position.
  5. Fax or e-mail the Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Work Order to the contracted clinic. Our contracted clinics are required to have written authorization prior to performing any services for the County.
  6. Provide a copy of the Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Work Order to the applicant. The Work Order shall be used as the appointment slip and must be presented to the clinic on the day of the appointment.
  7. Instruct the applicant to report for the medical examination on-time with a photo identification.


Note: A parent or guardian must accompany a minor under the age of 18 to the examination. Both will be required to present a valid identification and sign a form authorizing the medical examination.

Missing Item Number: If the item number and job title for the applicant’s position do not appear in the All County Classifications – PEPO Medical Examination Required/Waived, If the classification is not listed on the table, please contact the OHP via email at OHP@hr.lacounty.gov.

Medical Status Designations

No Restrictions – This indicates that no restrictions are needed for the job being offered, and the applicant is medically cleared for employment.

Restrictions – The contracted clinic has identified restrictions to an applicant’s physical inability to perform a given task. Upon receipt of these restrictions, the hiring department must conduct an Interactive Process Meeting (IPM) to make a determination as to whether reasonable accommodation is possible. A copy of the IPM notes must then be provided to OHP.

Indeterminate – This status designation indicates that the contracted clinic has requested the applicant provide further medical information, obtain further medical testing, and/or, that an observation period must occur before a final decision can be made. The applicant is notified of request for information, and permitted a defined time period in which to respond.

Pre-Employment/Post-Offer exam results are generally valid for 12 months from the date of the examination, with the exception of POST positions, which strictly require the exam to have been conducted within the 12-month period prior to the applicant’s start date.

Additional Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Policies and Procedures

Under Construction

Short-term or part-time positions which are rated as Physical Class 1 or 2, such as Student Worker, do not require a pre-placement medical examination. Instead, after an offer of employment is made by the appointing department, the essential job duties of the position should be explained, and the applicant asked to complete a Work Status Questionnaire. Based upon the applicant’s responses, the department may immediately start the individual to work without restrictions, or make reasonable accommodations which will allow the individual to perform the essential job duties of the position.

The Work Status Questionnaire does not contain medical information, and therefore, should be retained in the future employee’s personnel file. These no longer need to be forwarded to the OHP.

Returning Retirees & Reinstatements

Former employees may return to County service without having to take a civil service exam under two circumstances. The first allows a retiree to be rehired for up to 120 days per year to perform jobs which require special skills and knowledge. The second mechanism allows a former County employee to seek reinstatement to a full-time position as long as his/her separation from County service was within the last two years.

Pre-placement medical examinations are required for these “returnees” unless they meet one of the following two criteria:

  1. The date of rehire will be within three months of the date of termination, or
  2. The date of rehire will be within six months of the date of termination, and the physical demands of the classification are rated as Physical Class 2.


Please note that the second criteria refers to the demands of the classification, rather than the position intended for the returnee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The pre-employment approved contracted clinic (clinic) must receive a written request from the department for each applicant that contains all of the information found in the Pre-Employment / Post-Offer Work Order form. Without this form a medical exam cannot be performed by the clinic.

If this occurs, please notify OHP staff at (213) 433-7201 or via email at ohp@hr.lacounty.gov

A results letter will be emailed to an authorized departmental representative. If you would like to be added or removed from the notification list, please contact OHP staff at (213) 433-7201 or via email at ohp@hr.lacounty.gov.

Yes, if the applicant is applying for an administrative position.

Occasionally an applicant for a County position lives outside of Southern California, and traveling to Los Angeles for a pre-employment medical examination may present a hardship.  If this situation applies to an applicant for a position rated as physical class 1 or 2, it is possible to arrange for the applicant to take the pre-employment medical at a private physician’s office or clinic in the applicant’s home town.

To complete an Out-of-Town medical examination, please use the following procedure:

  1. Give the applicant an Out-of-Town medical screening packet. Please request the packet by sending an email to OHP@hr.lacounty.gov.
  2. OHP will attempt to reimburse the applicant for documented expenses.

Please document the date, clinic location, and any facts pertaining to the incident and please contact OHP via email at ohp@hr.lacounty.gov.

Please contact OHP staff via email at ohp@hr.lacounty.gov,, and be prepared to provide information regarding the item number, class name, and whether the applicant’s job duties will likely include driving on County time an average of 4 or more hours per week.

Please forward all documents to the designated contracted clinic.

The department should schedule medical exams as far in advance of the applicant’s anticipated start date.  OHP will make every attempt to provide medical status to the department in a timely manner. However, notice of the applicant’s medical status from the contracted clinic may take up to 10 business days from the date of the medical examination. In some cases, the process can be extended longer due to the need to review and consider additional information or personal medical records from the applicant.

Yes, a medical examination may be performed on applicants that are under the age of 18.  However, a parent or guardian must accompany the minor to the medical examination.  Both will be required to present a valid identification and sign a form authorizing the medical examination